The Glenmore Centre, Folkestone is a development of Business and Industrial Units set in a landscaped Business Park Location.
The development provides 24 units of steel portal frame with high quality mini rib cladding, brick fascias to first floor level and aluminium windows.
Each unit is provided with a first floor storage area, suitable for upgrading to office space.
M20 Juntion 13
The units are located within the recently established Shearway Business Park which is strategically located adjacent to Junction 13 of the M20 motorway and within close proximity to the Channel Tunnel Terminal.
Close to the Town Centre
Folkestone town centre is approximately 1 mile to the south with Ashford and Dover being within approximately 13 and 8 miles respectively.
57 min to London by Train
Folkestone was linked to London Stratford and St Pancras in December 2009 with an average journey time of 57 minutes.
Good neighbours
Nearby occupiers on the Business Park include Travis Perkins, City Plumbing, Bannatyne’s Health Club and Folkestone Enterprise Centre.